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About Rotary Club of Windsor (1918)


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918)

Uniting Hearts, Transforming Communities

Founded in 1918, the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) stands as a beacon of enduring commitment to making a positive difference in Windsor-Essex County, and beyond.

Celebrating over a century of service, our club has a rich history deeply intertwined with the fabric of Windsor. From our earliest days to the present, we've been dedicated to the principle of "Service above self," leaving an indelible mark on our community. 

We are the proud host of several locally recognized events that resonate within the heart of our community. These events, such as Art in the Park, Children’s Fest, and Pigout for Polio, have become staples in Windsor, showcasing our commitment to fostering a positive and vibrant local culture. Through these initiatives, we've made significant contributions to the community, leaving a lasting mark on Windsor and Essex County. As we celebrate over a century of service, these events stand as milestones in our journey, reflecting our unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

While our reach extends globally, our roots remain firmly planted in the local soil. The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) takes pride in addressing immediate needs in our community while contributing to Rotary International's global initiatives, such as eradicating polio and supporting education and clean water projects worldwide.

About our work with The John McGivney Children's Centre

“For over forty years the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) has been actively involved with our Centre. In November of 1965 the Club commenced planning under the leadership of Rotarian Mr. John McGivney for a new facility providing integrated services for children with disabilities. The Children’s Rehabilitation Centre of Essex County opened its doors on June 26th, 1978. The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) has actively supported our programs, services and equipment needs over the years to ensure that no child goes without service. Again, in 2007 they have come through at a pivotal time of need as the Centre now embarks on a long awaiting building expansion. We must raise $6 million locally to augment the $8 million provided by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services for our expanded facility. The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) has committed to be our lead donor with a generous pledge of $1 million to our capital fundraising campaign.”
– Elaine Whitmore, CEO, John McGivney Centre

About our work with Maryvale

"The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) had always been a driving force for good in this community. In 1991 the Club was considering projects for their upcoming 75th anniversary and became aware that there was no local capacity to respond to children who were suicidal or in psychiatric crisis. They determined to resolve this and, in 1994, founded the Rotary Home for Children and Youth on the Maryvale campus. This in turn attracted child psychiatrists, highly trained specialists, to the community and served as the foundation to expand crisis services for families. This facility serves children in Windsor/Essex and Chatham/Kent and is recognized as a ground-breaking success, being the first place in Ontario where hospital beds for children are located within an established children’s mental health centre. Kids coming out of this program give these comments: ‘I don’t feel like I want to die’, ‘the place was very calm and the staff respected me’ and ‘I know some other ways to handle my feelings now that won’t hurt me’.”
– Connie Martin, CEO, Maryvale.

About our Community Service Grants

The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) Community Service Grants program was established to have a more direct positive impact in the local community. Since 2013, we’ve distributed over $300,000 to local organizations. As one example, we provided funds to the Salvation Army to expand their community meal program, where hundreds of people who suffer from homelessness and other issues can get a warm meal:
“For over 20 plus years, we’ve been doing a soup kitchen during the cold weather. This year, we decided to do a couple of full meals instead of just a soup kitchen, and the reception to it has been fantastic, and the need is just proven by the number that shows up [.…] The Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) has given us a $5,000 grant to start us up, and we’re grateful for that.” Major Paul Rideout, Assistant Executive Director of the Salvation Army

About our work with Easter Seals

Rotary Club of Windsor (1918), along with 6 other Rotary Clubs from Ontario, joined in 1922 to address the lack of resources and support for children with physical disabilities. Easter Seals, then called Ontario Society for Crippled Children, was created to see that children received the treatment they needed and to inform the public about children’s health to prevent the spread of disease. Over many decades, our Rotary Club has raised several million dollars to assist Easter Seals children and their families.

About our Adult and Children's Assistance Program

Our club fundraises year-round to support our Adult and Children's Assistance programs. These programs provide mobility tools for adults and essential resources for children with exceptionalities, including orthotics, helmets, wheelchairs and their accessories, hoisting devices, and more—all within the Windsor-Essex community.


Tickets are $7 in advance

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Exhibitor Application

Exhibitor Application CLOSED

Deadline Feb 28, 2025

Art in the Park 2025 Exhibitor Application
Application deadline - February 28, 2025




June 7th & 8th, 2025
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

Willistead Park
1899 Niagara Street
Windsor, ON N8Y 1K3

Art in the Park

Rotary (1918)

Contact Us

Have questions?
Contact Rotary Club of Windsor (1918)
7911 Forest Glade Drive, Windsor

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